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Basic E-Business

Anyone can buy anything from anywhere, doesn't this sound great?

Now that's what e-business means in the short term. E-business is a business that runs fully electronic or with the help of the internet, where transactions are done online. Amazon, eBay, ox, are some examples. Let's find out more about e-business.

The whole world got to know; how useful the internet is during the covid pandemic. Everything turned online from education to grocery shopping. This dramatic growth of online stuff would have given you some idea about an e-business even though you didn't know about this before. When going deeper into e-business, there are some types and features we need to consider.

There are basic 6 types of e-businesses.

  1. Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
  2. Consumer-to-Business (C2B)
  3. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)
  4. Business-to-Business (B2B)
  5. Consumer-to-Administration (C2A)
  6. Business-to-Administration (B2A)

Now let's take a brief look into the types,

1. B2C, is the mostly used and widely known type of e-business. When the final consumer buys a product or service from a business, it’s called B2C. It's like you order a book on Amazon. Amazon, eBay, Ali express, etc. are some examples of B2C.

2. C2B is a fast-growing business model due to the enhancing number of content creators, now this might have given you the idea. Consumer-to-business is when a creator posts ads for commission. This can be a travel blogger sharing a link to a company's travel packages. In other words, this can be also called affiliate marketing.

3. C2C is when the business plays the role of a medium between consumers. When you place an advertisement on a website to sell your used furniture, another consumer who visits that website could buy your furniture.

Here the website is just a market and not a provider of the product or service. eBay, Etsy, and Amazon Marketplace are some examples of C2C businesses.

4. B2B is when a transaction is done between two businesses. To make it more clear, it's like a retailer buying goods from a wholesaler. With the development of technology, businesses that manufacture a vase number of products started dealing their transactions online with the retailer/buyer. Turtle, Mailchimp, etc. are examples of B2B.

5. As we know, e-business is not only used to buy and sell products. C2A business is when a consumer connects to an online service to fulfill some kind of their needs, like making a doctor's appointment, online surveys, distance learning, telehealth, etc.

6. B2A is a bit bigger in setup, this business is rarely organized by individuals. This type of business provides solutions or maintenance for the administration of a company or a government organization. It can be data management, cyber security or IT solutions, and cloud computing which can be managed online.

We have lots of benefits in e-business, but there are also some drawbacks features. You would get that when you go through the features classified.

  • Easy to start
  • Affordable cost compared to regular businesses
  • Purchasing anything from anywhere
  • Adjustable business hours
  • Transactions are risky compared to traditional businesses
  • Long time to deliver the goods
  • No personal touch or real visual experience
  • Dealers don't meet in person
  • High chance of fraud

Some of these features benefit the business while some cause disadvantages to the consumers. Online fraud detection services are running to secure online transactions. Yet it's our responsibility to choose a trustworthy online business as a consumer and provide a secure, trustworthy service as an e-business owner.


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